Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Yummy Lemon Yogurt Cake

I've been craving lemon cake for months now, but never really took the time to learn how to make it. This recipe has been sitting in my box for a little over a year, so I finally decided it was time to bake me some lemon cake.
Now let me tell you, I don't recomend making this cake if you have any kind of cut. No matter how little, please...just listen to me when I say DON'T. haha. But, if you must, please...wear a glove. I made the mistake of squeezing the lemons with a scratch on my finger, not fun. Not fun at all!

I came across this recipe while watching the Food Network one day and I remember drooling as I watched Ina pour the glaze over the warm cake. There was a bit of deja vu when I was pouring the glaze over my cake, but don't worry...this cake is 100% drool free :)
You can find this recipe here at the Food Network website. It's super easy to make and it comes out AMAZING!

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